
Does Zoey like Ellis?

Does Zoey like Ellis?

Zoey seems to be somewhat attracted to Ellis because of their close age his friendliness and him being open as well as his outlook and life experience.

How old is Bill from L4D?

Bill is the oldest survivor of Left 4 Dead. Bill fought in active combat during the Vietnam War with the Green Berets. Bill is the oldest theorized to be in his 60s due to his involvement in Vietnam of the original Survivor team and appears to hold a strong presence as the group leader.

Who is the most popular L4D2 character?

Valve ran a poll for players of Left 4 Dead 2 asking their favorite character. For Xbox 360 players Ellis was a clear winner earning a score of 43%. He also shared the first place spot with Nick for the PC users with both holding 33% of the vote.Apr 27 2019

Is DbD Canon to L4D?

The devs said in the livestream after he came out that the Entity can pull people from any point in time and from parallel universes too that’s how Bill is here. He is canon here in DbD but not in the L4D canon. That also means Laurie and MM presence makes them canon as well.May 14 2017

Where is Ellis from L4D2?

Born and raised in Savannah Ellis divides up his time working at the local garage hanging out with his buddies and dropping by for Sunday dinners with Mom—why’d anybody want to live anywhere else? Then the zombies had to go and spoil it.

How tall is the smoker l4d?

He measures approximately 15 inches tall including the base.

Who is Kate Denson based on?

Kate Denson born in the USA prior to being taken by the entity was a country singer that performed and toured all around America. She was possibly around the age of (18-25) and after many years of doing these performances she had to settle down.Jun 25 2021

How tall is the Tank from Left 4 Dead?

According to the Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors’ dialogues the Tank is around 10-12 feet tall and 6 feet wide.

What is Gmans real name?

He continuously refers to Gordon Freeman as \”Mister Freeman\” throughout the introductory sequence forgoing Gordon’s proper title of doctor.

Why do valves stop making games?

In the recent interview Wolpaw (the creator of Portal) strongly hints that Valve doesn’t make games anymore because they’re not profitable enough. The host then suggested that Portal 3 would nevertheless be profitable for Valve to which Wolpaw agreed: “Hey you’re preaching to the choir here you’d make some money.Apr 19 2022

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