Could The Division happen in real life?
It’s fiction: the brainchild of developer Ubisoft Massive for their eagerly anticipated game Tom Clancy’s The Division. Except to make the scenario as plausible as possible the developers drew on a wealth of scientific data.Feb 13 2016
Did Andy spread the rage virus?
After Andy was infected by his father Don he became a Carrier of the Rage Virus and thus his left eye’s sclera turned partially red.
Did Andy spread the rage virus to France?
It is unknown how the Rage Virus spread to France and fans have disputed over this. Some believe that after Andy Tammy and Flynn crashed in France Andy infected someone else (most likely by accident) and that person then began spreading the Infection in mainland Europe.
Is the Rage virus curable?
The virus is shown as 100% communicable and in the currently released films and graphic novel there is no known cure.Sep 6 2012
Why is Alice immune to the T-Virus?
In Resident Evil: Afterlife Alice’s superhuman abilities have been taken away by Albert Wesker who injected her with a serum that disabled her T-virus cells; however at the end of Resident Evil: Retribution Wesker injects her with the T-virus and restores her powers saying that Alice and her powers are the last
What color was the T-Virus?
The T-virus suspended within a protein media dyed blue for immediate recognition. The T-virus was a viral weapon engineered by the Umbrella Corporation in the late 20th century.
Who created the G-Virus?
The G-virus was developed by Umbrella Corporation scientist William Birkin who had also done pioneering work on the t-virus. A primitive form of the virus was discovered in the mutated body of Lisa Trevor on whom the Umbrella Corporation had been conducting unethical genetic and viral experiments for three decades.
What is the easiest map in l4d2?
Dead center is the easiest because you can finish the ending the fastest all you need to do is collect 13 gas cans but in the other levels you need to wait to escape and that can be more challanging.Jan 12 2017
How much health does a witch have l4d2?
As the Witch has 1000 health points and a shotgun blast does just slightly over that every pellet from the shotgun must hit the Witch or she will only be startled (if the player is using a tier 1 shotgun they will not have time to fire a second killing shot before the Witch can incapacitate or kill them).
Can I play l4d1 in L4D2?
yes all of the campaigns from Left 4 dead 1 have been ported into Left 4 dead 2 with the original characters and everything.Oct 16 2012