Is perfect aim legit?

Can you shoot Smoker tongue?

How do you cut smoker tongue? Im new to this game and i saw someone cut my someker tongue. Shoot it slash it with a cutting melee weapon at the right time or block the tongue with a physics object like a propane canister or oxygen tank. You can’t shoot a tongue off yourself only teammates.Feb 1 2017

Why does the smoker have a long tongue?

Occasionally when killing the Smoker hundreds of feet of \”tongue\” will spew from his mouth supporting the intestines theory. A second theory leading to the Smoker’s mutation is that the strain of Infection has caused a type of fungus or similar bacteria to grow on his face.

What is the witch in Left 4 Dead?

The Witch is a Special Infected that is not initially hostile and is always found in a dormant sitting or slow walking state. However if startled or attacked she can instantly incapacitate or even kill a player. She is also the only non-playable Special Infected.

What is the NOED perk DBD?

The term NOED is an acronym that means NO ONE ESCAPES DEATH a perk available for all killer characters and that you can unlock in the early stages of the game.Oct 11 2021

Has anyone escaped the entity DBD?

Out of the countless victims claimed by the Entity only one ever has managed to truly escape. Many players will have likely seen offerings referencing the unseen character Vigo who managed to exploit the one weakness of the Entity and find a way to his freedom.Oct 19 2021

Has Kate escaped the entity?

However even though she escaped the grasp of The Entity the first time little did she know it would try again One day as Kate was playing her guitar in the woods she began to play a dark tune as the forest seemed to react to her music as the leaves and branches coalesced into The Entity as it began to drag Kate into

How do I destroy the rocks Tank?

Any form of collision like shooting or meleeing the rock can destroy it.Apr 24 2019

How much HP does a Tank have L4D2?

The Tank has 4000 health points (6000 in Versus) deals 24 damage per hit and 75 damage when pounding an incapacitated player. The Tank cannot pound incapacitated players in Versus mode and will only do 24 damage to them.

How much damage does melee do to Tank?

melee weapons on tanks do 500 damage? They do 5% damage so it depends on the tank’s health. It’s a perfectly fine amount as there is a risk with attacking a tank with melee weapons and if the tank lets the survivors get free melee hits in it’s his own fault.Jul 15 2013

Why does G-Man talk weird?

The G-Man speaks in a slow raspy yet commanding manner with a certain accentuated low-key moroseness to his tone sometimes placing unusual stress on syllables stressing the wrong parts of words making unneeded pauses inhaling sharply and audibly throughout his speech and awkwardly changing the pitch of his voice

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Sean Merritt:


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