Left 4 Dead 3 – The Best Zombie Types for Survival

Left 4 Dead 3 – The Best Zombie Types for Survival

Left 4 Dead 3 is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. It is the third game in the Left 4 Dead series, and is scheduled to be released on October 13, 2013 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms. The game has been in development since February 2009, and the development team expanded from two to four members in late 2010.

The game introduces a new co-operative campaign, where players work together to survive against the zombie horde, as well as new multiplayer game modes, including a 4-player co-operative mode. The game also introduces a new zombie type, the Tank

What are the best zombie types for survival in Left 4 Dead 3?

When it comes to zombie survival in Left 4 Dead 3, there are a few key things to keep in mind. The first is to always be aware of your surroundings. If there are any zombies in the area, be prepared to fight.

Another important factor is your weapons. Make sure to arm yourself with a powerful weapon, such as a shotgun, and plenty of ammo. You’ll also want to make sure to pick up any items that can help you survive, such as a first-aid kit or a flare gun.

Finally, be careful. Zombies are attracted to sound, so if you make any noise, be prepared to fight. Keep your head down, stay calm, and you’ll be just fine.

Which zombie type is the most difficult to kill?

Left 4 Dead 3 is full of different zombie types that can be difficult to kill. So, which zombie type is the most difficult to kill?

According to the game’s developers, the Infected are the most difficult zombie type to kill. They are fast, strong, and can leap great distances. Plus, they are very resistant to damage.

The Witch is also a difficult zombie type to kill. She is fast, and can inflict a lot of damage with her spells. She also has a lot of Health, so she can survive a lot of hits from the player.

The Tank Zombie is the third most difficult zombie type to kill. He is very big and strong, and can take a lot of damage before he is killed. He also has a lot of Health, so he can survive for a long time if he is not killed quickly.

How do you deal with different zombie types?

Surviving in Left 4 Dead 3 can be tough, but it’s not impossible with the right strategy. Here are the best zombie types for survival:

Zombie Hunter: These zombies are the most dangerous, as they are well-armed and fast. You’ll need to take them down quickly if you want to stay safe.

Zombie Smasher: These zombies are the weakest and easiest to kill, but they can still cause a lot of damage. Just be sure to keep your distance from them.

Zombie Charger: These zombies are the fastest and most aggressive of the bunch. Be very careful when fighting them, as they can easily overtake you.

If you’re looking to survive in Left 4 Dead 3, be sure to take into account the different zombie types. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you can make the most of your situation and stay safe.


In conclusion, the best zombie types for survival are the fast runners, the tank zombies, and the snipers. The fast runners can easily outrun most players, and can easily flank them from behind. The tank zombies are resistant to most bullets, making them difficult to kill. The snipers are particularly dangerous because they have a long range and can kill players from a great distance. It is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times if you want to survive in Left 4 Dead 3.

Categories: Left 4 Dead 3
Sacha Humphries:


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