Wish List

What features do you want to see in Left 4 Dead 3? There is always room for improvements to make each Left 4 Dead game better than before. Are there special infected you want to see carried over from the first two L4D’s, or how about removed all together?

Valve is great when it comes to listening to fan’s opinions and tries to satisfy us all. Fans wanted to see more melee weapons such as chainsaws, swords and bats and they got just that in Left 4 Dead 2. Now is your chance to voice your likes and dislikes and tell us what you want to see in Left 4 Dead 3 when it gets released.

How do you guy like the current weapons and items available? Do you want more or less weapons to choose from?

I would like to see Left 4 Dead 3 go back to darker maps and try to bring back the scary atmosphere the original has over the sequel. Give me more maps like Blood Harvest where survivors have to fight through dense woods and more endless cornfields.

Fan Submitted Ideas

Dirk’s Various Ideas

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  • I would like to see double barrell shotguns or sawn off shotguns. I would also like 2 see a special infected that is almost as big as a diesel and would take all 4 people to kill it and a special weapon that can kill anything with 1 shot but only has 3 bullets and cannot be refilled intill the next chapter.

  • We would like to either have them the survivers of this l4d3to run into or witness one or a couple of members fromthe other games die while the new survivers witness to give closer or to have like a infected coach or bill like character infected leading a controllinga horde or pass eachother

  • I would like to see a special infected child! One who looks like he or she needs your help then when you get close, they attack! And, I would also like for the final campaign to be at least 6 to 7 levels long to make it more interesting! Maybe even a new THEIF as a special infected, one who steals something from you like a health pack then tries to run away with it!

    • Yeah dude, lets add a CHILD to the game for everyone across the world to mow down with guns relentlessly.. That wouldn't be controversial or anything.. you know.. killing children and stuff.

  • Based in Russia. 8 campaigns through russia, mongolia and china. Snowy environments, jungle environments, and china town environments.

    A special infected with the ability to grasp 2 survivors at once, when killed emits 20 feet wide and tall fog that is complete darkness.

    Something to swap the flashlight slot, different kind of flashlights, maybe masks to alter color scheme, night-vision, also a protective mask which shatters over time.

    Flashlights that eventually die out and you need to scavenge for batteries.

    Pressure mines that explode when a zombie walks over them, place these next to a gas tank, first zombie triggers mine, fire takes out rest of wave

  • I would like to see more options for survivors. For example being able to set up a team with various survivors from L4D 1 with L4D 2 mixed in with new Survivors (possibly loading a map with 12 survivors total). I think you are missing out on a big demographic but not having an equal number of female characters. I think melee weapons came be carried 2 at a time depending on the size (2 machetes or 1 bat). I would like to see a backpack or strap option allowing the ability to carry more small items. The strap option allowing you to attach to primary heavy weapons and carry 2. I think the mix of locations in L4D 2 (day, night, below ground, etc.) was a good feature but if possible have the day/night and weather randomly change each time you play a level.

    • The ability to ride in vehicles as either driver or literal "shotgun" as you try to navigate down various interstates.

      Locations that appear completely empty and then have a horde attack. New special spidery infected that attack from high places.

      I am a horror writer so should you want to brainstorm, send me an email

      • Add in occasional infected animals - roaming dogs or carrion birds.

        Have scenes in the story like Survival - the players hole up and have to continue to fortify their position for protection while shooting from windows or roof.

        • Scavenge for items (barb wire/wood/car doors/etc) to build a fortification that you then have to defend.

  • -A new infected to alternate with the tank; the "Haggard" infected is a cool concept for that notion.
    -The witch should do more creepy things, such as bust out of closets, etc, without warning.
    -Multiple campaigns and stories would be a plus, such as seeing a campaign from the military's point of view and/or the police. CEDA's point of view would also be interesting, imagine trying to maintain the quarantine. This would also provide more insight and depth to the story, considering we have no idea where the virus came from
    -New weapons and other toys also :D

    • sighhhhhhhhhh im sorry to say this but the tank is looking less scarey every time i see it make it look freakishly scary please like his spine grows and sticks through his back he stands up minisingly and make him use his hands more

      I also have another idea for a special infected its like a tank charger mix the zombie has two huge strong like tank arms but a febil body because in the proces of its mutation all of the blood has rushed to he/shes arms it runs into you knoks u down and it slowly rips u apart or beats u to death

  • we want the game to have more humans to play with.
    for ex: 8 players .
    also if you can improve the story for ex: to play with 4 servivers and along of story you can find more servivers to switch with the main character or to play with them .



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