What is green flu?

What is green flu?

The Green Flu commonly referred to as The Infection was the name given to an unknown virus that converted most humans who came into contact with it into homicidal and zombie-like beings known as the Infected.

What happened to the l4d2 Survivors?

Following their escape from the facility the Left 4 Dead Survivors decided to go on their own and avoid all military as shown in The Passing where they kindly deny the Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors offer to join them on their trip to New Orleans.

What does CEDA mean in l4d2?

CEDA (Civil Emergency and Defense Agency) is a fictional U.S. government organization in the Left 4 Dead universe and is based on the real-life federal emergency agency FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Are the Midnight Riders alive?

There is a small chance of the Midnight Riders tour bus driving by in The Passing’s second chapter. It implies that they are still alive though anyone could be driving the bus and they might not have lived past The Passing. That’s about the only concrete evidence we have though.Dec 13 2018

Is back for blood related to Left 4 Dead?

Back 4 Blood is the latest release from developer Turtle Rock Studios the folks behind the legendary Left 4 Dead and its sequel as well as Evolve the asymmetrical monster-hunting multiplayer game that never found an audience and whose servers were shut down in 2018.Oct 22 2021

Who started the green poison?

In 1775 Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele invented a deadly bright green hue made with the toxic chemical arsenite. Called Scheele’s Green it was so popular that by the end of the 19th century it had replaced the earlier mineral and vegetable dyes—but its invention came with a price.Jun 16 2020

Is The Division real?

The Division itself has roots in World War II and The Cold War but the true inspiration came from two real-world events that took place in 2001. The first was Operation Dark Winter a high-level simulation conducted by federal agencies to test the nation’s ability to respond to a widespread bioterrorist attack.Mar 19 2019

Can the rage virus be cured?

The virus is shown as 100% communicable and in the currently released films and graphic novel there is no known cure.Sep 6 2012

Did Andy spread the rage virus?

After Andy was infected by his father Don he became a Carrier of the Rage Virus and thus his left eye’s sclera turned partially red.

Is Bill from left for dead still alive?

Bill is killed prior to the events of Left 4 Dead 2’s \”The Passing\” during the (canonical) events of \”The Sacrifice\”. According to The Sacrifice comic Bill was attacked by multiple Tanks after he went down to reactivate the stopped lift bridge generator to save his team from the oncoming Horde.

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