Who Voiced The Tank In L4d2

In Left 4 Dead 2, the tank is voiced by actor Jim French. French is a well-known voice actor, having lent his voice to many popular video games and movies.

The tank is one of the most feared enemies in the game, and French’s performance definitely adds to the intimidation factor. His deep, booming voice is perfect for the role of a hulking, unstoppable force.

Of course, the tank isn’t all doom and gloom. In addition to his role as a fearsome enemy, he also provides some much-needed comic relief. His interactions with the other characters are often humorous, and it’s clear that French is having a blast voicing the character.

Whether you love or hate the tank, there’s no denying that Jim French brings a unique and memorable performance to the role.

Categories: Left 4 Dead 2
Sacha Humphries:


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